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Forming Equations

Before proceeding to the actual solution of an equation of any type, certain preliminary operations have necessarily to be carried out in order to prepare it for solution.

Still more preliminary work is that of forming the equation (sami-karana, sami-kara or sami-kriya; from sama, equal and kṛ , to do; hence literally , making equal) from the conditions of the proposed problem. Such preliminary work may require the application of one or more fundamental operations of algebra or arithmetic.

Bhaskara II says: "Let yavat-tavat be assumed as the value of the unknown quantity. Then doing precisely as has been specifically told-by subtracting, adding, multiplying or dividing the two equal sides of an equation should be very carefully built.

Algebraic Notations

  • The symbols used for unknown numbers are the initial syllables yа̄ of yа̄vat-tа̄vat (as much as), kа̄ of kа̄laka (black), nī of nīlaka (blue), pī of pīta (yellow) etc.
  • The product of two unknowns is denoted by the initial syllable bhā of bhāvita (product) placed after them. The powers are denoted by the initial letters va of varga (square), gha of ghana (cube); vava stands for vargavarga, the fourth power. Sometimes the initial syllable ghā of ghāta (product) stands for the sum of powers.
  • A coefficient is placed next to the symbol. The constant term is denoted by the initial symbol of rūpa (form).
  • A dot is placed above the negative integer
  • The two sides of an equation are placed one below the other. Thus the equation X4 - 2X2 - 400x = 9999; is written as

यावव​ १ याव २ या ४०० रू ०

यावव​ ० याव ० या ० रू ९९९९

which means writing x for या

x4 -2x2 -400x+0 = 0x4 +0x2+0x+9999

If there be several unknowns, those of the same kind are written in the same column with zero coefficients, if necessary. Thus the equation

197x - 1644y - z = 6302 is represented by

yа̄ 197 kа̄ 1644 ni 1 ru 0

yа̄ 0 kа̄ 0 ni 0 ru 6302

which means, putting y for kа̄ and z for ni

197x - 1644Y - z + 0 = 0x + 0y + 0z + 6302.

Bhaskara II says:

"Then the unknown on one side of it (the equation) should be subtracted from the unknown on the other side; so also the square and other powers of the unknown;

the known quantities on the other side should be subtracted from the known quantities of another side."

The following illustration is from the Bijaganita of Bhaskara II:

"Thus the two sides are

ya va 4 ya 34 ru 72

ya va 0 ya 0 ru 90

On complete clearance (samasodhana), the residues of the two sides are

ya va 4 ya 34 ru 0

ya va 0 ya 0 ru 18

i.e., 4x2 -34x= 18

Classification of Equations

The earliest Hindu classification of equations seems to have been according

to their degrees, such as simple (technically called yavat tavat), quadratic (varga), cubic (ghana) and biquadratic (varga-varga). Reference to it is found in a canonical

work of circa 300 B.C.l But in the absence of further

corroborative evidence, we cannot be sure of it. Brahmagl.

1pta (62.8) has classified equations as: (I) equations

in one unknown (eka-var!1a-samikaratta), (2) equations

in several unknowns (aneka-var!1a-samikara!1a), and (3)

equations involving products of unknowns (bhiivita).

The first class is again divided into two subclasses, viZ.,

(i) linear equations, and (ii) quadratic equations (a1!Jaktavarga-

samikararza). Here then we ha..-;e the beginning of

ou'!: present method of classifying equations according to

their degrees. The method of classification adopted

by Prthudakasvami (860) is slightly different. His four

classes are: (1) linear equations with one unknown, (2)

linear equations with more unknowns, (3) equations with

one, two or more unknowns in their second and higher

powers, and (4) equations involving products of unknowns.

As the method of solution of an equation of

the third class is based upon the principle of the elimination

of the middle term, that class is called by the name

madhyalJJdharatta (from madhyama, "middle", dharatta

"elimination", hence meaning "elimination of the middle

term"). For the other class~s, the old names given

by Brahmagupta have been retained. This method of

classification has been followed by subsequent writers.